A member of the Paris Bar, Julie holds a DEA (post-graduate diploma) in labour law from the University of PARIS-PANTHEON-ASSAS.
After gaining experience in the corporate world (Renault) and in Canada (Lette lette Whittakers and Koskie Minsky, Toronto ON.), in 2008 Julie began her career as a lawyer in the social protection system department of a law firm specializing in employment law (Fromont Briens).
She then developed her expertise and practice in several law firms (Delsol, LawaL), before joining Cabinet GÉRY DEMARD LIN & PARTNERS.
She specializes in the following areas:
- Collective labour relations
- Individual labour relations
- Social protection system and employee savings schemes
- Social security
- International mobility
Experience and activities:
- Wolters Kluwer training instructor
- Prépa Dalloz training instructor
- Publications for Jurisprudence Sociale Lamy
- Co-author of the book Restructuration des organisations à but non lucratif (Dalloz)